Friday, August 1, 2008

Duck! The Carbine High Massacre

1 out of 5 Stars
This is the first film I have ever given only ONE star to. No, I didn't give this rating because I found this film offensive to Columbine (I'm all about freedom of speech). But this 'film' was literally unwatchable -- BAD acting, BAD script, embarrassingly cheap and BAD camera work and video quality. I couldn't find any redeemable qualities. It's not schlocky, just VERY poorly executed and produced. I think a genuine snuff film would have been more enjoyable.

Here is what constitutes the '1 Star' -- 'William Hellfire' was surprisingly relaxed and natural as an actor. The role was probably not a real reach for him though, but he was enjoyable in a general cast of wooden planks. The gunshot effects were well done! The blood and explosions from the doomed student's bodies were all done very nicely. Derwin's inital beat down was also extremely brutal. The only problem is that these scenes only make up 10 to 15 minutes of the movie. The rest of the flick is all stiff dialogue and often tedious build-up. The pay off just isn't worth the effort sometimes.

Yes, I'm kidding. This 'movie' is just painfully and ridiculously BAD!

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